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We hope to give every student

that we teach the confidence and abilities to seek out their own path in life and excel in their endeavors.

Kids Spring Special!!

Spring is starting to bloom!   Martial arts is the best activity to get your kids active during the colder spring months. Training in the martial arts helps them build confidence, discipline and focus while learning to defend themselves and having fun!


Start them today and get their first 3 months for only $215!!

Contact us today!

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A hybrid class that teaches Goshin Do Karate, Ronin Kickboxing  and Hayastan Grappling while developing fitness, discipline and self confidence.

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More About Us

Mission & Values

With almost 20 years of martial arts experience, Sensei Adam Tucker has trained at many different schools and gyms to create a unique blend of martial arts that honors traditions yet is applicable for real life self defense, sport competition and full contact fighting.

By training using techniques and strategies that competitors and fighters use, it gives all of our students an advantage in real life situations. 

This practice reinforces our schools motto:


The only thing you deserve is what you


Contact us today!

49 St. Bridget's Drive

Emmett Street Entrance, 3rd Floor

Rochester, NY 14605

(585) 252 1900

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