We are very excited to announce that we will be reopening in person classes as of Tuesday July 14th!
All classes will be operating under no contact rules in accordance with NYS and CDC guidelines. The class schedule has also been modified, with classes lasting 30 minutes with a 10 minute break between classes to clean and disinfect equipment.
We will be starting off with our classes on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Sunday's to begin. The Friday night classes will begin shortly and will be announced.
The use of masks will be required for all students, with the exception of the young pups class (4/5-7), that do not have a preexisting medical condition during class. Students may use their own mask, but we will have a limited amount available for anyone who may have forgotten theirs'.
Adult Class sizes will be limited to 12 people to coincide with NYS regulations in regards to occupancy. We will have a system set up for signing up for classes. If class is full, you can still attend zoom as well.
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are committed to bringing you fun classes no matter what restrictions may have to be in place!